A 7.5% Increase On Conversion Rate

The Goal:
  • Increase CR 
  • Improve website UX
The Tools:
  • Google Analytics
  • Convert
  • 7.5% increase on conversion rate
  • $4,637 additional revenue generated over a 30 day period with a forecast of $111,228 over a 12 month period.
  • 16% increase in clicks on “Add To Cart”

How A Simple “Add To Cart” Test Generated Over $4,637 In Additional Revenue In Just 30 Days

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The Challenge

CareYou is an authentic Australian owned family business based in Melbourne, Victoria. It specialises in supplying wedding products, home décor items, luxury gifts and lifestyle products online.

They approached us to help them unlock additional revenue through their website through experimentation.

Their core challenge was the lack of insight and skills internally to be able to run the right kinds of tests to get the best results.

It was our job to remove the concept of “best practices” testing and instead focus on the user and what the data was saying.

The Insights

From a heuristic analysis, we identified that the location of the CTA on the product pages could be causing interference for online shoppers.

Digging through the Google Analytics data, we were able to see that there was a clear drop off from the product page to the cart which could be because of the location of the CTA on the page.

The Test

From our research we were able to conclude that there was friction on the current product page that was impacting the user from making a purchase.

Our hypothesis was that by making the primary CTA more prominent on the page, we could help drive more users to the checkout by providing more visibility on the CTA. 

The test was to introduce a sticky CTA that the user could see at any point of the page.

The Results

  • 7.5% increase on conversion rate
  • $4,637 additional revenue generated over a 30 day period with a forecast of $111,228 over a 12 month period.
  • 16% increase in clicks on “Add To Cart”

By introducing a sticky CTA on the product page we were able to increase visibility of the CTA which resulted in an increase in CTR and purchases on site.

This test is often considered a common UX feature on websites, making it a “best practice”. Instead of diving straight into making the change, we chose to focus on what the research was telling us which led to the solution.

Then, leveraging experimentation to be confident that it was the right approach to the problem.

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